Sunday, October 20, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Caes Study: Alien Rage (PC)
Reboot of the movie "Alien" in video game form of corse ;)
Sweet game with nice difficulty >:0
Friday, October 11, 2013
No no'z of game design
I was playing inFAMOUS 2 and was getting mad because the developers broke many of the rulez of good game design. It reminds me of an article from Next Generation Magazing January 1997. Here are some rulez:
x Never take control away from the player
Cutscenes are one thing, but taking control away from the player during gameplay is a recipe for disaster. Any time the player isn't in complete control disrupts the flow of gameplay, and it is worst when it leads to death. This includes auto-aim, in-game cutscenes where you lose control of the character, and, in inFAMOUS 2, auto-grabbing everything.
x Consistency is key
Cause and effect...all causes should have the same effects. If you can climb on ONE pole in inFAMOUS, you should be able to climb on ALL poles, and not clip through and die on some of them >:0
x Responsive controls are also key
When you press a button, the game should immediately respond. There should not be a delay due to animation or something. Animations are okay to look like shit if they are backed up by snappy example is Colonial Marines. Good work, boys!
x Deaths should be the player's fault
When the player dies, it should feel like it's their fault. If the player dies because the camera got stuck in the ground (inFAMOUS) or they were killed during an in-game cutscene (Resident Evil 6), then that is bad. When the player dies, they should think, "Okay, next time I will try again harder" instead of, "Great, every time I play this part, I will die because of the game fucking up."
x Make a list of things you can do in the game
...does it look like fun? Does following a minimap and collecting dots sound like a good time (inFAMOUS, Assassin's Creed, FarCry 3)? >:0No no'z of game design:
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
PROfilez: FarCry 3 (2012)
- Nice graphics
- Weapons are good, and good to use. Nice variety and attachments
- Explosions have very nice impact
- The parts where you are in the club with your friends, even though you are unarmed
- Friend with the flat brimmed hat, the main character's sexy girlfriend
- The song at the end is nice

- Very distracting mini-map takes focus away from what is actually going on
- Extremely repetitive is twice as long as it needs to be
- Easy combat...tension is sense of danger...leads to boredom
- Doesn't rain very often in the game (only twice in 25 hour playthrough)
- Stupid characters like Vaas and the black guy with glasses and the one who is like Sheva from RE5
Saturday, October 5, 2013
PROfilez: Crysis 2 (2011)
- Looks very nice, good range of environments
- Killing the ceph is satisfying because all of their goop spatters out
- You can put silencers on all the weapons
- Unnecessary HUD elements everywhere detract from the graphics (radar, weapon info, waypoints, tagged enemies and items, pick-up prompts, object outlines, point counters, etc.). Coupled with the high amount of detail, this makes it difficult to focus on where enemies are relative to you in the environment.
- Goddamned suit won't stop talking and is very annoying
- Performance can be bad sometimes, even on a Nvidia 550ti
- Story makes no sense whatsoever. As the game progresses and becomes more repetitive, there is no driving motivation to find out what happens next.
- Maximum Speed is gone >:0
PROfilez: Mass Effect (2007)
- Dating sim partz that shows a woman's butt in it (unlike the sequels with no nudity)
- Choose-your-own adventure storyline where you can choose to kill lots of aliens and be mean to everyone
- Very interesting backstory (later ruined in Mass Effect 3)
- Very scary plot twist
- Very satisfying ending where you get revenge
- Combat system is unseen never before in a video game. Challenging and tactical.
- All the weapons have infinite ammo
- Best soundtrack. BEST.
- Song at the end of the game is the best and will blow the player face off
- Characters are dressed for combat (unlike the sequels)
- You get to drive around on a ton of planets, even though there is nothing on them, which makes the game seem very big and immersive (unlike the sequels)
- Lens flares everywhere
- Not very long game...15 hours action short and powerful (unlike the sequels). Storyline develops as you go along and lots of stuff happens, unlike the sequels.
- Nothing
PROfilez: Metro 2033 (2010)
- Very immersive by removing the HUD and having to manually manage your weaponz and gear
- Nice high difficulty with enemies that do much a lot of damage. Checkpoint system is spaced out well to balance repetition and tension.
- Graphics is nice effects like dirt specs in the air
- Enemies know EXACTLY where you are when alerted and can kill you in the pitch black dark from very far away. When you get close to their corpse, you discover that the majority do no have NVG so it doesn't make sense
- Game becomes easier with NVG when you get it, but's that's okay
- Enemies don't have dicks, ballsacks or assholes
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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